Gai Luron 2025 03 09
We were 8 skiers and 6 snowshoers enjoying the beautiful conditions and mild temperatures at Gai Luron. A bit of early morning snow slowed down the morning drive, but made the ski conditions even better. Six winter hikers on crampons enjoyed the dusting of fresh snow on the rolling forest trails. With a forecast temperature of +15C next Sunday, it’s looks like the season is winding down. Nonetheless, it’s been a very enjoyable ski and snowshoe season.

Mont St Bruno 2025 03 02
It was a balmy -18C at 10 am when we headed out on the beautifully groomed trails of Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno. With the warm sunshine and lots of climbing we were all able to keep warm. It’s nice to have such a great ski center this close to Montreal.

Esterel 2025 02 23
It was the our first visit to Ski De Fond Estérel since 2014. With all the recent snowfalls and the nice temperatures, we all enjoyed the beautiful ski and snowshoe trails. It’s a small ski center compared to others we visit but still a very enjoyable center to add to our repetoire. Five happy snowshoers marvelled at all the evergreens coated with snow on the winding forest trail (Erabliere) at l’Estérel, which wins the prize for prettiest trail this season. Thanks to Debbie for tipping us off to this lovely park, complete with cute warming huts and bird feeders. And thanks to all our photographers (Ann, Erwin, Maureen, Tom V & Dennis ) for taking lots of scenic shots along the way. (Notes by Dennis and Karen)
Parc des campeurs 2025 02 15
There were 7 skiers and 6 snowshoers at Parc des Campeurs yesterday to enjoy the beautiful powder snow conditions. Two new members joined us, Martin & Katherine. With so much snow lately, all the trails are now open and in terrific shape. Six happy snowshoers enjoyed exploring the rolling wooded terrain blanketed with fresh snow. We moved the outing to Saturday to avoid Sunday’s winter storm.
Duchesnay 2025 02 09
Close to 30 Beaver Tail members enjoyed another beautiful weekend at Station touristique Duchesnay. The conditions were ideal for both skiing and snowshoeing, with ample powder snow on the ground. It was so nice to be able walk from the hotel to the ski trails in just a few minutes. Thanks again to Cheryl for making it all possible.
Oka 2025 02 02
There were 5 skiers and 7 snowshoers at Parc national d’Oka. It was a chilly morning but we were all appropriately dressed to handle the cold weather. The skiing was quite enjoyable, even though they don’t have the powder conditions you find up north. Due to compacted snow, the snowshoers were on cleats for a climb along the forested path up the Calvaire trail. Everyone stayed afterwards to enjoy lunch in the chalet.

Far Hills 2025 01 26
Ski notes by Dennis: It was a great day of skiing and snowshoeing today at Far Hills in Val Morin. There were ~ 20 skiers and 5 snowshoers who enjoyed the beautiful powder snow conditions. We even got to ski & snowshoe for free. Thanks to Hélène for advising us about a program with the Regional parks of Quebec.…/4b30beed-4611-42b5-8aa5…
Morin Heights 2024 12 08
Ski notes and photos by Dennis: There were 9 skiers and 5 snowshoers in Morin-Heights for the first outing of the ski season. They received 15cm of snow overnight for a total of 40cm on the ground. It was a very enjoyable ski and snowshoe, and most of us went to Mickey’s Cafe for lunch afterwards.
Snowshoe notes by Karen, photo by Erwin: Five eager snowshoers launched our new season with a 5.5-km trek through the gently rolling hillside of Basler Park overlooking the Aerobic Corridor. Conditions were perfect with lots of fresh snow (15 cm overnight) blanketing the trees and rocks, making for a winter wonderland. Thanks to the entire group for sharing leadership duties and taking lots of great photos along the way!

Bois De Liesse 2024 12 01
34 walkers and 1 dog came out to play at the local park!

Mount Royal 2024 11 24
Dennis M notes from the walk.
It was a beautiful morning for walking on Mont Royal and it was great to have such a nice turnout. We were 28 walkers and one dog, with most of us doing an 8k walk. Many of us went upstairs to the Beaver Lake restaurant after the hike.

More Photos on Flickr and Photos page, check it out.
Mont Rigaud 2024 11 17

25 walkers and Luna started out on the escapade trail. 20 finished it with 14 km. The trail was in great condition. The climb to the lookout was a bit harder than I remembered but we all got up to see a cloudy but nice view.
More photos on Photos page and Flicker. please send your photos to
Mont Saint Bruno 2024-11-10

20 walkers out at St. Bruno today. We had terrific weather and did almost 11 km (10.8 to be exact). Some stopped at the old mill Cafe while a few headed back before the rain.
L’lle Bizard 2024-11-3

36 walkers came out to walk 8 km on Ile Bizard. The weather for November 3rd was awesome. Very little wind and glorious sunshine. We even had 1 swimmer, Ruby, who was brave enough to try the water although not for very long.
Cap St Jacques 2024-10-27

27 people came out to CSJ for an 8 km walk under mostly cloudy skies. The walk was well protected from the wind and it was great to catch up with everyone. Thank you Linda for leading the walk.
Gai-Luron 2024-02-18: Photos on Flickr
We are well into our walking season, see weekly emails for info. As you all know this is a volunteer run club. If you would like to volunteer to help us out it would be much appreciated. You are all welcome to suggest and lead a hike.
The club main activity is cross country skiing however we have a snow shoe group as well. Snowshoe outings have been averaging 5km and take place at the same locations as the Sunday ski outings.
If you are interested in joining the snowshoeing group please let Karen know, via email: Please bring along a pair of walking boots and/or crampons in addition to snowshoes in case the snowshoe trails are more suitable for walking than snowshoeing.
The weekly schedule, as always, is posted here in the Calendar, and in the weekly club emails.
The best way to reach us is to send an email to:
You can also comment on our website Forum page or our Facebook group page. If you’ve not joined our Facebook Group page yet, please consider doing so here.
Here you will find some useful information about x country skiing.