Wonderful, an extra hour in bed, what to do, I know lay awake staring at the clock waiting for the time to get up. Then it was, is it cold, is it raining, what to wear for our Val David adventure. Finally we were in the car and Northbound.
Much to our surprise the parking lot was busy. How can that be, the colors were long gone and it had rained over night, yet there were all these cars and a load of young whippersnappers. Then we found out it was a young x-country ski team in training. Needless to say they left us in their dust as we climbed the first hill, even pushing our walking poles between their legs didn’t seem to deter them.
The master plan was to walk some of the snow shoe trails passing a few viewpoints on the way, back in time for tea. I think I mentioned it had rained the previous day and the trails were covered in leaves so what should have been a steady walk was often slippy particularly on the steeper ascents and descents. Remembering that just off the trails was fairly steep ground, it was therefore prudent to exercise a degree of care.
The team overall was in good spirits although there was a reluctance to take on the last viewpoint, something about aching knees, tired legs and wanting to go to some film festival so the walk was shortened but a few climbs were thrown just for fun.
Trying hard to find a musical reference for Duane, the nearest one that came to mind was “slippin and a sliding” Little Richard, kind of appropriate for the day. Open to suggestions Duane.
Finished up in a typical Val David café, no not Timmies, is the world changing?