St Bruno is a pleasant parc close to Montreal, just over the river, and as such it attracts a multitude of folk. Families, walkers, groups of walkers, runners, refugees from Calgary, circus performers, you know the usual crowd. So it attracted a good turnout of BTNSC members, rumor had it we were 24 at the start and 25 at the finish. Now that was no Cirque de Soleil illusion but the missing person apparently got lost on the way to parc, so we left the chalet leaving instructions on where we were going. In retrospect it seems incredulous that someone who could not find a huge parc would be able to find a group wandering around aimlessly along wooded trails, but unbelievably it happened.
So there we were wandering around the pleasant trails of the parc in what was a very civilized manner, could that have been an Calgary influence, extremely doubtful they are more famous for Stampedes.
It is amazing that the parc can absorb so many people yet it did not feel crowded, it helped however being able to turn right on the red light, a delight for the crazy Montreal drivers. That and being able to cross a cone free bridge to a view point on the lake, such a luxury. Still it was a bit unnerving seeing in the woods eyes watching us all the time. Only the great white hunter was able to stalk these beast down and photograph the stag the rest of us had to settle for a pretty laidback doe close to the path, still a deer is a deer is a deer.
A good morning’s walk.