So the walk was L’Escapade at Rigaud on the Sunday. L’Escapade set me thinking, a rare event these days, what does it mean and why call a trail in the woods Escapade? So off to Google land I went and I came up with the following definitions. Mirriam Webster
“an exciting, foolish, or dangerous experience or adventure”
Oxford dictionaries
“An act or incident involving excitement, daring or adventure “
But it was the Urban dictionary that caught my eye:
“a carefree adventure in which a group of individuals runs about late at night, preferably scantily dressed. “

So that’s what attracted 22 walkers out a cool blustery morning, sadly not a lot of scantily dressed people there, mind you it would have been a horrific sight if some of our members had tried. However two boxer dogs who were present certainly met all the criteria of the Urban dictionary, a good woof woof for them.
Once we had gathered all the latecomers, or should we say Audi drivers and St Lazare natives , we were able to start the walk. The walk itself along the xcountry ski trail provides pleasant walking along wooded trails, popular with many people who want to get out for exercise on a Sunday morning particularly if they had a large dog, of

which we saw numerous. The high light of the trail is a steep little climb about three quarters of the way round which leads to a viewpoint looking South to the far hills of Owls Head and the Adirondacks. It was a happy group sat in the sun enjoying the view, mind you some seemed to have their tongues hanging out. Eventually it dawned on them that there was a further 3kms back to the parking lot over undulating ground, still soon we were back.
Not a bad outing followed by a takeover of Tim Horton’s by 12 walkers, now that was an escapade..