Well it has been a long cold winter and although many members managed to ski most of the time several more had periods of hibernation, some even travelling half way round the world to avoid the cold. Be that as it may, with the start of spring heads popped out of their burrows with one thing in mind, no not going to the washroom but going for a feast. Who would be better to organise a feast but someone with restaurant experience, none other than Roy T. What an inspired choice , Roy came up trumps. The selection of the Pearl restaurant with an all you can eat buffet attracted 40 club members. Good job we had booked as the restaurant was full that night. Everyone was very happy with the food Roy had selected and in sufficient quantities to satisfy even the most starved hibernator , no sure if that is a word. Even the

waiters commented on the quantities eaten at one particular table, no surprise to us as we all knew that Bruce C had been doing some serious training for the event .
I believe Roy T was offered a job by the restaurant as a part time waiter for the way he organised it all.
The evening came to an end, then we had a shock, winter had returned with a vengeance. Freezing cold temperatures and strong winds resulted in ice everywhere, ah well back to the burrows.