Well I do not know what it is about Richard and Gwen but they sure know how to get people to Tremblant Parc for Gwen’s picnic. The official bean counter tells me that his tally was 36 and then there was Glenn’s little critter. It was a trifle cooler than expected at the park but mercifully no wind so conditions were pretty good, even the walking wounded turned up with their sore knee, LH and twisted knee CW, yes well what more can I say. Two members set out from Montreal at 7.30am so they could maximise the skiing time, the rest left at 8am , for some that was desperately early given our more relaxed starting times this season.
So there we were, and very soon everyone scattered on the trails like leaves blowing in the wind, odd that given there was no wind. It would appear that club members were seen on every available Ski de fond trails including the new Mallard. The majority seemed to settle for the Poisson, something fishy about that don’t you think, still I personally found it
very amusing listening to the tales of sore legs following the famous long descent.
Then followed the grand portage of Gwen’s famous mountain of food and drinks to the Refuge de la Renardière. At this point I should like to point out that no bundles of cash were stuffed in socks in awarding this contract to the carriers. Soon the refuge was filled with happy skiers enjoying the sandwiches, cheese fondue, desert and drinks all prepared by Gwen W and her helpers Richard C and Monique M who sadly could not join us. It was with great reluctance that we left the refuge to ski back to the parking lot, and it was then
that Glenn’s little critter was noticed. Apparently news of the food had been posted on the wild life Twitter , called yes you have guessed “Critter”
Well posting of Glenn’s photo of the critter caused quite a stir with several pundits all claiming to know the species of the animal, so if you want to join in the fun and identify the animal just go on the forum and make your claim to fame.
So another wonderful picnic, mega thanks to Gwen and Richard, and to everyone who came out to enjoy the day.
Post script:
It is hard to take a good photo if you press the Off button instead of the shutter button, is that not right Dalia T.
It is a good idea to turn right or left when your descent reaches a T junction, straight ahead is not an option, unless you a called Peter C, then anything goes.