Sunday at St Bruno when the snow conditions are good can be a little hectic, but arrive early as most of us did allowed us to enjoy the quieter part of the day. Eventually it is
believed about 30 club members were active at the center, the official bean counter can vouch for 28 but there could be one or two more lurking on the trails. Most of the group split up into groups of like minded individuals and did variants and loops based on the 1 trail. Others had an interesting time on somewhat easier trails where the biggest hazard was being swarmed by groups of hyper active youngsters chasing each other round the trails. With their dark ski uniforms and the buzzing excitement it was just like a swarm of ants devouring everything in their path. Funnily enough we have some members in our club just like that except they are probably 40 to 50 years older, one wonders if they ever will grow up. We also have the directionally challenged gang of three who were found wandering aimlessly along trails that the only outcome would have been to ski the number 1 trail in reverse, now that would have been exciting. Several others managed to find their way to within 0.5 km of the main buildings before getting lost, St Bruno can be confusing . Still everyone had a great time, with definite signs of being tired little puppies after a few hours. So how far did we ski, absolutely no idea, even though several groups were seen peering over trail maps measuring distances with bits of string. What matters was that it was a great day enjoyed by lots of club members.

As we left the park , many of the parking lots were completely full, everyone intent on making the best of great day. A few dropped in the Tim Horton’s, what a surprise, just off the dual carriage way, oops sorry divided highway near the 30, then home we went.