If you thought St Adolphe was cold you should have been at Prevost Parking lot on Sunday. Strong North wind and below zero temperatures had everyone leaping out of their cars and adding extra warm layers , hats, gloves or better still mits, only to find it was in adequate and also a bathroom break was required. So come 10 am we were 12 and everyone was more than anxious to get out of the wind. Fortunately the woods are soon reached followed by a steady climb so that after about 20 minutes most of the group could feel their hands again. Our Celebrity Guest navigator for the day was Dennis M, who having been given the ceremonial map duly looked absolutely lost. Still it couldn’t be any worse than last week could it.
Dennis soon took control of the situation and before long we topped out at Mount Shaw where unexpectedly a BTNSC Flash Mob took place, obviously too many folk had been
watching Big Bang Theory Flash Mob. With that excitement over we stumbled down a steep trail before cutting across to join the MOC trail and Lac du Paradis. We were not alone on the trails as we passed several small groups who were clearly jealous of our Celebrity Navigator however still managed a cheery “Bonjour”.

Steady climbing brought us to the Hydro lines followed by more uphill resulting in layers of clothing being shed as body heat rose. A firm pointing by DM took us away from Hydro safety and into the inter land to reach the first viewpoint on Mont Bellvedere where by chance, no not another Flash Mob but a meeting with four young members of MOC doing trail maintenance. Now if you know nothing of MOC you will have to Google it, ( Try McGill Outing club) as I do not have the time or inclination to tell you. Leaving our young friends we reached the second viewpoint where in the past we have sat in the sun and enjoyed out lunch but not this day even though the sun was shining.
On again descending to the join the WN and Whizzard trails. It is in this area of confusing trails that you are glad you payed the big bucks for a Celebrity Navigator, what a waste of money, we would have been better off asking Lulu although even she was keeping a low profile at this time. Nevertheless with a lot of pointing and saying the trail is indistinct and believe me it does go up that hillside, we struck gold and the trail was picked up. Funny isn’t it the Celebrity Navigator was all full of it when we reached the top, even Lulu reappeared. It was obvious to the troops that we were on the home stretch now, and indeed we were, and it was close to home that a touch of sibling rivalry came out as Ray M let it be known that he had helped the Celebrity Navigator using the Martin Family GPS
tablet. Well Apple eat your heart out, the MFGPS tablet not only has a map, and an arrow to steer by but is capable of beating of an attack of hungry bears. I understand on Black Friday it was on sale for a cup of Timmies coffee, however sales had been disappointing.

So safely back at Prevost after about 9kms or so, thanks to our Celebrity Navigator, then down the road for a Timmies.
Do you want to be the next Celebrity Navigator, send your name for consideration to Keith.