Unlike the West Island there was a good covering of snow at Les Cedres, not enough to ski but definitely sufficient to get talk of which wax to use. Anyhow 14 walkers gathered on what was our first on foot visit to Les Cedres, of course many of us are familiar with the xcountry trails being one of our better local centres. We were also lucky to once again have a local, Christine BM to show us some of the off piste trails, normally the preserve of snow shoe’ers and horses. No the horse do not use snow shoes if that’s what you were thinking. So the starting gate was dropped and out we galloped, down some pretty trails and across several duck boarded areas. I had often seen school kids going down these trails and
being a snob had dismissed them as nothing special , but I was wrong they were fun. Of course Al L planned to do his own thing and keeping to the xcountry ski trails to complete a loop. So our happy band minus Al L went up and down dales around tight bends, slipped nearly into cold looking streams and tentatively crossed pieces of wood, laughingly called bridges. Check the gps map. Having joined the xcountry ski trails we arrived at Montée Poirier gate before turning on to a horse trail, fortunately horseless at this time, although we did see a few horses and riders on our travels. Actually horses and riders, skiers and walkers get on very well sharing this land far better than Quebec drivers on the 40.
The return walk kept to the ski trails and if you have been there you will know that the land is very sandy and with a few inches of snow on top presented a leg tiring walking surface, similar to walking up sand dunes. The high light of the return was the lead group, that is everyone but three of us, who whilst waiting for us, burst into a spontaneous snow ball fight. Sadly no victor was determined or blood spilt come to that , but it kept them amused.
Then we were at the chalet and planning going for a large breakfast when someone said ” Anybody seen Al” . The red car was still in the parking lot , oh sh*t.
So a couple of us started walking back down the leg tiring trails hoping to meet Al on his return or at the very least pick him up out of the snow. Of course no one had Al L phone number with them so we were a little in the dark , actually it was still light but you get the “jist “. Linda H and Dalia were at the chalet trying to find Al L phone number, whilst the staff of the centre were starting to free up a snow mobile from storage, just in case. We had walked about 1.5kms when my phone rang, good old cell phones, Al L had reappeared safe and sound. We had passed on each side of a loop in the trails. So happily we could join the rest of our friends for a well deserved breakfast.
So 14 set out and 14 came back. Al L did 9.5kms as did the main group but by a different route. Of course Keith R and Dan claim the distance prize with an extra 2.5kms on our S & R Mission. Where is Peter Mackay’s private helicopter when you need it.