Well it looked like 21 people decided Mont Royal was a good place for a walk on Sunday, not only that, we found a willing guide David H who having completed a 16 year apprenticeship on Mt Royal felt confident enough to lead our band. Indeed he led us on a merry dance, along the xcountry ski trails avoiding the main paths most of the time, thus keeping us safe from crazy cycling teams out training, and showing many of us the quieter and delightful parts of the hill. Many steps were climbed, some even attempted to run up them, all the
viewpoints were duly viewed, VPA satisfied for another week. Al L as usual did his own thing, and yes we did lose some people, I think abandoned was the term they used, still it’s hard to get anxious about lost souls on Mont Royal. A few found time for a coffee at Beaver Lake before departing home and our guide David H was last seen eating a large lunch, clearly exhausted from a stressful day.
Now the numbers, are you ready, we did just short of 9kms with a reasonable amount of ups and downs, not bad for a city park.
Al L route 5 kms